Michel Mouffe explores the foundations of painting by challenging its limits. His works are built up out of many thin coats of paint and glaze, creating translucent layers that veil each other. Meanwhile he steps away from the flatness of the surface by implementing subtle protuberances emerging from behind the canvas, or by bending the work and adding a soft, wavy relief so that it hovers around the fine line between painting and sculpture. As space is marked and the two-dimensionality of the canvas is overcome, his works result in an experience of spatial relationships. The battle between line and colour has been put aside so that the two elements can work hand in hand.
Colour in Mouffe's paintings is subtle and significant — it requires a slowed down gaze in order to see the vibrations of the gradual coloured surface. Lines, bumps, and ripples break the monochrome surfaces as tools that open up, and thus liberate the paintings to give visual expression to the abstract views and ideals of the artist. His works convey sensuality and thought, inviting the viewer to enter into a mutually constructive, psycho-corporeal dialogue, while addressing the limitless space of the painting with all of the viewer's basic senses.
Michel Mouffe explores the foundations of painting by challenging its limits. His works are built up out of many thin coats of paint and glaze, creating translucent layers that veil each other. Meanwhile he steps away from the flatness of the surface by implementing subtle protuberances emerging from behind the canvas, or by bending the work and adding a soft, wavy relief so that it hovers around the fine line between painting and sculpture. As space is marked and the two-dimensionality of the canvas is overcome, his works result in an experience of spatial relationships. The battle between line and colour has been put aside so that the two elements can work hand in hand.
Colour in Mouffe's paintings is subtle and significant — it requires a slowed down gaze in order to see the vibrations of the gradual coloured surface. Lines, bumps, and ripples break the monochrome surfaces as tools that open up, and thus liberate the paintings to give visual expression to the abstract views and ideals of the artist. His works convey sensuality and thought, inviting the viewer to enter into a mutually constructive, psycho-corporeal dialogue, while addressing the limitless space of the painting with all of the viewer's basic senses.
Michel Mouffe
Born in 1957 in Belgium.
Lives and works in Brussels (Belgium), Le Poët-Laval (France), and La Mola
Since 1983 he has been exhibiting in Europe, the US and Asia.
From 1990 until 1993 he lived and worked in New York.
Selected solo exhibitions
Passa la vida, Espai Cultural i Educatiu, Far de la Mola, Formentera, Spain
La Patinoire Royale - Galerie Valerie Bach, Brussels, Belgium
A Thousand Uplands, Galerie Faider, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Eric Linard, Le Val des Nymphes, Drôme, France
Nebel, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Kanaal, Antwerp, Belgium
Welt und Nebel, Galerie Alber, Cologne, Germany
A las cinco de la tarde, travelling exhibition until 2020 (Sa Senieta, San Francesc
Xavier, Formentera, Spain; Casa Consistorial, Ibiza, Spain)
Les larmes de Saint Pierre, permanent installation, Musée L, Louvain-la-Neuve,
Drawings, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Hong Kong
Thinking the Veil, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Els Pelegrins, Sala de exposiciones Ajuntament Vell, San Francesc Javier,
Formentera, Iles Baleares, Spain
Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Hong Kong
Jean Roch Dard Gallery, Paris, France
Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Galerie Faider, Brussels, Belgium
Barby, BeLa Editions, Brussels, Belgium
Les Pascaliniens, Galerie Faider, Brussels, Belgium
Last Balls, Anouk Vilain Art Gallery, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Eloge des profondeurs, texts of Bernard Maingain and drawings by Michel
Mouffe, Brussels, Belgium
Aisthesis, Galerie Faider Bruxelles, Belgium
Negen Punt Negen, Roeselare, Belgium
Monos Art Gallery, Liège, Belgium
La maison Fraeyman du Centre Culturel de Mouscron, Brussels, Belgium
Ball Paintings, Grange du Faing, Centre d’Art Contemporain du Luxembourg
Belge, Luxembourg, Belgium
Affinité, Centre Historique-Angle Art Contemporain, Saint-Paul-Trois Chateaux,
Galerie Geukens - De Vil, Knokke, Belgium
Galerie Martagon, Malaucène, France
Galerie Synopsis M, Lausanne, Swizerland
Station de Métro Erasme, Brussels, Belgium (with Philippe Samyn)
Ethnic Design, Miami, USA
Etre au fond, ISELP, Brussels, Belgium
Habitare, Vedovi Gallery, Brussels ; La Closerie, Knokke, Belgium
Iselp, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Alain Winance, Tournai, Belgium
En s’occupant d’Erasme..., Chapelle de Boendael, Brussels, Belgium
Zorgen voor Erasmus, Musée de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
Galerie Geukens - De Vil, Knokke, Belgium
Marijke Schreurs, Brussels, Belgium
Chambre de Séjour avec Vue, Luberon, France
House Gallery, Ibiza, Spain
Orion Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Vedovi Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Anouk Vilain Gallery, Hasselt, Belgium
Gallery Seo Hwa, Seoul, South-Korea
Galerie 15, Paris, France
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, France
Partie II : 1990 - 1992, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Bruxelles, Belgium
Entre 2, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Paris, France
Partie I : 1980 - 1989, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Brussels, Belgium
Défi au rouge, bleu, jaune, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Verplanck-Van Bavel, Brugge, Belgium
Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Paris, France
Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Brussels, Belgium
Monographies d’Artistes, Médiatine, Woluwé-St-Lambert, Belgium
Galerie Sophia Ungers, Köln, Germany
Maison de la Culture, Namur, Belgium
MMH Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Musée d’Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium
Tryptique, Kaai Theater, Brussels, Belgium
Peintures 82 83, Maison Guiette - Le Corbusier, Antwerp, Belgium
Selected group exhibitions
Avant que j’oublie, Ixelles, Belgium
Brushstrokes and Beyond, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Hong Kong
Argent, 25 jaar Anouk Vilain Galerie, Anouk Vilain Galerie, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Michel Mouffe, Willy Anthoons, Jan Bursens, Denmark, Vic Gentils, Willy De
Sauter, Maurice Verbaet, Knokke, Belgium
A Taste of Abstraction, Postmodern Abstract Painting In Belgium, La Patinoire
Royale, Brussels, Belgium
Breaking into Colour, Gallery Zero, VOMA, virtual museum
#4004, Alber Gallery, Koln, Germany
Silence and Space, Kanaal, Wijnegem, Belgium
Le cadavre exquis, Chiesetta della Misericordia, Venice, Italy
Collection #1, Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Brussels, Belgium
Encre, plume, fusain. Donation Fonds Meeùs, Musée L, UCLouvain, Belgium
Promesses d'un visage, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels,
Salle des pas perdus, Doc, Paris, France
20 Years NICC - JUBILEE, Antwerp, Belgium
Museum to Scale 1/7, Universiteit Antwerpen, B (permanent collection)
INTUITION, Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation, Fondazione Musei Civici di
Venezia, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy.
Oh les beaux jours! Contemporary art biennale, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium,
curated by Joel Benzakin & Angel Vergara
Moderniteit à la belge, Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
100 Artistes en Liberté, Musée Juif de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
ArtParis, Paris, France (with Galerie Faider, Brussels)
Belgi Barbari e Poeti, Espace Vandenborre, Brussels, Belgium
Belgi Barbari e Poeti, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Rome, Italy
Contemporary Art in Belgium, for UNICEF, Cornette de St. Cyr, Brussels,
Wunderkammer, Academia Belgica, Rome, Italy
Museum To Scale, online platform by Ronny Van de Velde, partners with Royal
Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Kunsthal Rotterdam and Artis Naples
Collateral Damage (with Enric Majoral), BeLa Editions, Brussels, Belgium
Sense of Colours, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Galleria Plurima, Udine, Italy
Treize peintres et moi, Valerie Bach Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
God’s Gravity, San Fransisco, Formentera, Spain
God’s Gravity, Bela, Brussels, Belgium
Wunderkammer, Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
25 ans, Artistes , Œuvres, Musée de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
TRA, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
AnySpace, Brussels, Belgium
Passé-Présent #2, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire du Cinquantenaire,
Brussels, Belgium
Deux Cent Cinquante #3, Galerie Antonio Nardone, Brussels, Belgium
Axel Vervoordt Gallery
3 artistes de la galerie Faider, Galerie Linz, Paris, France
L'art abstrait en Belgique dans la collection Dexia, Dexia, Brussels, Belgium
Deux Cent Cinquante #2, Galerie Antonio Nardone, Brussels, Belgium
Honorons Honoré, De Garage, Mechelen, Belgium
Zone de turbulences, Centre Culturel Wolu-Culture, Woluwe, Belgium
Derniers encodages, Contemporary Art Museum, Eupen, Belgium
Abstractions Construites en Communauté Française de Belgique, de 1980 à nos
jours, Parlement de la Communauté Française, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Monos, Liège, Belgium
100 ans de dessin, Maison du Peuple, St Gilles, Belgium
Abstractions, Un siècle d’art en Wallonie et à Bruxelles, Le Botanique, Bruxelles,
100 artistes pour 100 ans de Droits de l’Homme, Palais de justice, Brussels,
Perspective Contemporaine 2002, Galerie Vedovi, Bruxelles, B Galerie Orion,
Oostende, Belgium
575 ans de la Fondation de l’Université, Musée de Louvain La Neuve, Louvain La
Neuve, Belgium
Group Show, Galerie Geukens - De Vil, Knokke, Belgium
Almost White, Maurice Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
100 coups de coeur/ De Hartveroverende 100, Espace Generali, Hôtel
Wielemans, Brussels, Belgium
Gros plan sur le design belge, La Ferme de l’Abbaye de la Ramée, Jauchelette,
Galerie Orion, Oostende, Belgium
Ici et Maintenant, 100 Ateliers 100 Jours, curated by Laurent Jacob, Tour & Taxis,
Brussels, Belgium
Espaces de convergences/espaços de convergências, Centro Culturel de Cascais
& Casa Municipal da Cultura Cantanhede, Portugal
Evolution révolution, Le numérique nouveau medium de l’art, Chateau Malou et
Médiatine, Brussels, Belgium
Le fil rouge 3, Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Louvain, Belgium
Fondation Bolly-Charlier, Huy, Belgium
Contemporary Art From Belgium, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, German
Eigentijdse Kunst, Art Contemporain, Lieux Communs, Bruxelles, Belgium
Noir et Blanc, Marijke Schreurs, Bruxelles, Belgium
Libertés, libertés chéries ou l’art comme résistance à l’art, ISELP, Brussels, Belgium
Noord/Zuid, Nord/Sud, Ninove, Belgium
Studio Simonis, Paris, France
Confrontations-Confrontaties, Musée d’Ixelles, Universiteitshal Leuven, Musée
d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Liège, Centre Culturel Marius Staquet,
Mouscron, The Chase Manhattan Bank, Luxembourg, Johannesburg, South
Africa, RHA Gallagher Gallery, Dublin, de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium
KIAD, Canterbury & Maidstone, UK
Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, USA
L’Art en Belgique depuis 1980, Musée d’Art Moderne, Bruxelles, Belgium
B’Art Code, Arsenal du Charroi, Bruxelles, Belgium
Europe Sans Frontières, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Bruxelles, Belgium
Centre A, Borschette des Communautés Européennes, Bruxelles, Belgium
Confrontations-Confrontaties, ’t Elzenveld, Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen,
6ième Festival of Pusan, Pusan, Korea
Art Actuel III, Amnesty International, Bruxelles, Belgium
Painterly Objects, S.Bitter-Larkin Gallery, New-York, USA
Orientation 50° Nord, Ecole Kinryu, Tokyo, Japan
Signes de Belgique, Musée d’Art Moderne de Taïpei, Taïwan
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
Galerie Verplancke - Van Bavel, Brugge, Belgium
Vis-à-vis. Le miroir des Galeries, Anciens Etablissements Sacrés, Liège, Belgium
Dynamiques Contemporaines, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, France
Résonances Contemporaines en Communauté Française, Centre d’Art
Contemporain, Bruxelles, Belgium
34ième Salon d’Art Contemporain de Montrouge, Paris, France
Petite suite de variations, Musée du Petit format, Mariembourg, Belgium
Red, Galerie Christine & Isy Brachot, Bruxelles, Belgium
Cent ans d’Art belge, Grande Arche de la Défense, Paris, France
Fascination - Sentiment de catastrophe, Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
Incidents de Parcours, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Musée du Petit Format de Papier, Couvin, Belgium
Objectif 1992, Galerie Lamaignière, Saint Germain, Paris, France
33ième Salon d’Art Contemporain de Montrouge, Revue d’Art Contemporain,
Paris, France
La couleur seule : l’Expérience du Monochrome, Musée Saint Pierre d’Art
Contemporain, Lyon, France
Abstraction ’87, Maison de la Culture, Namur, Belgium
Parcours, Maison des Artistes, Brussels, Belgium
Parcours, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Brussels, Belgium
Who’s Afraid 85, Studio Rue de l’Eglise, St.Gilles, Belgium
Ma clé est belle (performance), Musée d’Art Moderne de Bruxelles, Brussels,
Michel Mouffe and Joël Benzakin, Alphabet (Ghent: AsaMER/ Antwerp: Axel
Vervoordt Gallery: 2017);
Michel Baudson, Marie-Ange Brayer, Michel Ceder, Jacques Meuris and
Marc Hotermans, Michel Mouffe (Brussels: Editions Labor and Editions Isy
Brachot, 1992).
Denise Thiel-Hennaux and Solange Wonner, Michel Mouffe (Brussels:
Médiatine, 1988).
Public Collections
Axel and May Vervoordt Foundation, Belgium
Belfius Bank, Belgium
Buycksan Group Museum, Seoul, South Korea
Collection Paribas, Switzerland
Deutsche Bank, Germany
Hainaut Province Collection, Belgium
M HKA Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium
Musée d’Ixelles, Ixelles, Belgium
Musée L, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
National Bank of Belgium, Belgium
PMMK Provincial Museum of Modern Art/ Mu.ZEE, Oostende, Belgium
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Museum of Modern Art Collection,
Brussels, Belgium
Open during holidays